Variety is the SPICE of RESULTS!

Variety is the SPICE or RESULTS!

Check out these meal prep tips to simplify your variety and prep!

Here are a few of my tips to keep the VARIETY high!!!

Keep it fierce! xo jen

Meal Prep: Chicken Seasoning

1. Season meat three ways using just one pan.

If you’re sticking to lean meats like chicken, chowing down on the same flavors can get well boring after a while. Save time without boring your taste buds by preparing two or three variations of chicken at once, using aluminum foil dividers in your pan. Sriracha, garlic and onion or lemon basil!

Meal Prep: Hard Boiled Eggs

2. Hard-boil eggs in the oven — not in a pot.

 To make a delicious dozen in one go, bake your eggs in muffin tins for just 30 minutes. Ta-da! You’ll get a perfectly hard-boiled batch. Pro tip:

Meal Prep: Chop Raw Veggies

3. Chop or spiralize raw vegetables in advance.

Too hangry to make dinner at the end of a long day? Cut veggies in bulk ahead of time to avoid wasting precious minutes chopping on busy weeknights.



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