3 Ingredient Cookies

These are no-fuss cookies that are so good!  They take literally 5 minutes to make, use only 3 ingredients (ok so plus extras IF wanted), and take just 15-20 minutes to bake!

Plus, they are the ideal pre-workout go to!

Enjoy! xo Coach Jen



3 Ingredient Cookies


60-90g (~1 cup) oats* – more if your bananas are large!
2 ripe bananas**
1 scoop protein powder
Optional: 2 tsp peanut butter & 70g (~1/2 cup) dark chocolate chips or dried fruit & seeds




Pre-heat oven to 350.

Mash your bananas with a fork.

Add your protein powder and mix.

Mix in your oats (and any optional ingredients).

Dollop your cookie mixture onto baking paper or a greased baking tray.

Bake for 15-20 minutes.



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