Juice…from a bottle.
Let’s talk about juice for a minute. People often purchase juice when they are grocery shopping for a new lifestyle… and I am going to tell you why it is actually as equivalent to a 2 liter bottle of soda. YES.. I said it is equal to soda.
If you take a gander at the nutritional facts on the juice label it will tell you there is zero fat, 15 mg of sodium and maybe 3g of fiber. Im sure your all thinking that’s great… low sodium, low fat, but wait… Only 3 grams of fiber you say? Considering we get most of our fiber intake from veggies and fruits how can this be? Let’s scroll down and look at the carb content.. 32 grams of carbs! Holy moly…. and 28 out of the 32 grams of carbs is ALL SUGAR. The same as a serving size of soda pop my friends. Oh, and 1 gram of protein. Womp womp. Sorry to my juice lovers but let’s face reality here and cut it out of your diet and have a handful of berries or an apple instead.
Keep it fierce