Coach Erin’s Cranberry Vanilla Energy Bites

Wowzers, these are BOMB!

Enjoy xo Your NV Coaches

Cranberry Vanilla Energy Bites

1/2 cup raw cashews
1/2 cup raw almonds
1/2 cup unsweetened dried cranberries
1/2 cup chopped medjool dates (about 6-7 dates)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp water
Pinch of salt

1. In a high speed blender/food processor, add the cashews and almonds. Pulse until they are finely ground – careful not to turn them into nut butter.
2. Add remaining ingredients and blend/pulse until everything starts to come together.
3. Scrape down sides and add up to 2 tbsp of water – blend/pulse for a couple seconds.
4. Remove mixture and place in a bowl. Mash together with hands/spatula.
5. Form into balls of your preferred size.
6. Place in fridge for at least 30 min before enjoying!

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